Ask Dr. Ezeugwu – Faith – #YourHealth

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ASK DOCTOR EZEUGWU | July 21, 2016
DEAR DOCTOR EZEUGWU: Can my Faith affect my healing from sickness and disease?
DEAR PATIENT: Absolutely, Yes!! ….How? You may ask; Because your Faith is dependent on your thoughts and beliefs!
How you think about your illness impacts your healing process. When your thoughts are predominantly negative, your healing process is hampered. For an instance, even when your doctor has prescribed the right medicine for your illness, you will very likely not take the medicine, especially, if you have no faith in the doctor or the medicine. You may develop some unusual fear about taking the medication. You may even begin to avoid seeing the doctor altogether. In fact, treating a patient who has no faith in the doctor or medicine is very difficult. You should know that when it comes to your healing, from any sickness or disease, there is no doctor or man-made medicine that is more powerful than your Faith. Remember what Jesus said to the woman with issue of blood, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” (Matthew 9:22, NKJV) #Ask Dr. Ezeugwu.
Camellus O. Ezeugwu MD, PhD., FACP, FACC
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Medical Director –Just Heart Cardiovascular Group Inc.
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