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Yoga for your heart – 20 poses to keep it healthy

Pavitra Sampath | Sep 17, 2014

Heart disease is quickly becoming one of the most common conditions world-wide. But what makes this problem very complex is the fact that any ailment of the heart is often thought of as serious and can be life-threatening. But apart from medication and surgery, there is one way that you can keep this essential organ healthy — with yoga. A form of practice, that requires a person to focus on their breath and improves the functioning of his/her body, yoga is known for its innumerable health benefits. Here’s a list of 20 yoga poses that can help keep your heart healthy.

The following set of yoga asanas begin with mild ones, gradually increasing to more demanding ones that require greater stamina and strength. All of these asanas aim to relax and rejuvenate a person’s mind and body and helps keep heart disease at bay.


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